Constructor for creating a new keyserver
hostname of the keyserver
port of the keyserver
base path where to find the keyserver (the path before /pks
, usually nothing)
Base path for the keyserver (where the /pks
paths start), (default: '')
The keyserver's hostname
Optional port to make requests on (default: 11371)
Request options for a query to the keyserver
Retrieves the server's key stats and returns a PromiseparseKeyStatsHtml
Retrieves the keyserver's html and returns it as Promise
relative path to request, usually starts with /pks
Retrieves the server's stats and returns a PromiseparseStatsHtml
Retrieves the keyserver's stats html and returns it as Promise
Retrieves a key by a given query, throws NoKeyFoundError
query to look up
Maps the keyserver's html to a generic promise
function to transform HTML into a generic object
Uploads a public key onto a keyserver
public key to upload
Checks whether a given input is a PGP key
input to check
Parses given html into a KeyStats object, throws ParseError
HTML to parse, usually from a keyserver's stats page
Parses given html into a Stats object, throws ParseError
HTML to parse, usually from a keyserver's stats page
Generated using TypeDoc
Class representing a keyserver